Consultation, assessment, and data review are crucial for proper and effective instruction to occur.
In order to achieve success, the steps below must be followed.
First Meeting and Consultation- (either in person or on the phone)
- Meet to discuss concerns, observations, and talk about what has already been done
- Share any school data that has been collected as well as interventions that have been used
- No charge
- Data is reviewed and determination is made for what additional information needs to be collected or assessments need to be administered
- Data analysis is shared
- Plan is shared for assessment
- No charge
- Fees based on tests administered and will be disclosed at second meeting
- Reports will be generated and shared showing areas of strengths and weaknesses
- Charge included in assessment fees
- Data analysis is shared
- Plan for instruction is made
- No charge
- Session rate (50 minutes of instruction- 5 minutes of communication time)
- Session rates apply
Professional Development
- Consultation
- Mentoring/Coaching
- Small group presentation
- Large group presentation
- Rates vary based on type and length